Types of Massage & Benefits

I usually do a blend of all of these modalities, but here is a breakdown of different techniques!


Swedish massage is the luxurious massage that most people think of when they imagine going to a spa to unwind and rejuvenate themselves – and rightly so, as Swedish massage is known for its ability to relieve stress and relax the entire body. Full of rhythmic gliding strokes, kneading, friction, vibration, and percussion motions, this modality is perfect for those who are looking to relax and decrease stress and anxiety. Swedish massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which allows your body and mind to go into relaxation mode. Not only is this modality of massage great for relaxation, but it is also great for increasing circulation and oxygen in the blood, flushing toxins from the body by stimulating the lymphatic system, and boosting the immune system by helping to increase white blood cells.


One of the most requested forms of massage therapy is deep tissue massage, designed to help reduce chronic muscle pain and  tension by concentrating on the deepest layers of fascia in the body. This type of massage is for those who are looking to make some serious changes in their muscle tissue! Deep tissue massage has also been shown in studies to decrease blood pressure and increases endorphins and feel-good hormones like oxytocin and serotonin. Deep tissue massage, along with muscle release techniques, is often used in a medical setting to treat a variety of ailments, from sciatic pain to strained muscles to helping facilitate healing after an injury or surgery.


Myofascial release, like deep tissue massage, is another great modality for helping to heal and manage a variety of ailments, as well as releasing shortness and tightness in the muscle. The type of work done during myofascial release is often very specific and performed by using a blend of both stretching of the fascia and trigger point therapy, or putting localized pressure on a point of discomfort. This helps to decrease pain and equalize muscle tension throughout the body. This type of modality is beneficial for anyone experiencing compressed nerves, migraines and headaches, TMJ dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains and strains, planter fasciitis, frozen shoulder, herniated disc, bursitis, scoliosis, vertigo, fibromyalgia, whiplash, loss of flexibility, overall poor posture, chronic pain, and general discomfort throughout the body.


If you are an athlete looking to improve your performance, sports massage should be a part if your regular routine. Post-event sports massage has the ability to shorten muscle recovery time, as well as increases circulation to allow nutrients to flow to the areas being worked on. Sports massage also helps to improve muscle tone and prevent fatigue, leading to a decreased chance of injury. Massage is a great way to lengthen muscles and improve your flexibility, as it helps to keep muscles supple and pliable. Also great for pre-events, a short, fast-paced invigorating sports massage coupled with some trigger point therapy is a wonderful way to keep your mind alert while warming up your muscles, lower your risk of injury, and allows you to prepare and reach peak performance during the event.


Getting a massage during or after your pregnancy is a wonderful way to keep you and your baby feeling nurtured during this precious time. Pre-natal massage is a great way to reduce aches and pains caused by stress on weight-bearing joints, reduce edema and swelling, promote better sleep, decrease fatigue, and help relieve anxiety and depression caused by hormonal changes. In addition, massage can help increase blood and lymph circulation, which helps you and your baby to more easily get the nutrients you both need and allows your body flush out the toxins and waste that you don’t need. Postpartum massage is just as beneficial, as it can help speed up your recuperation from the stress of the pregnancy and restore balance in your body. Massage can help regulate stress hormones, reduce swelling, improve sleep, as well as improve breast feeding.